Friday, 18 March 2016

This is why you shouldn't let that dream go...

We all have dreams or we all should have dreams, because dreams are as good as free (it costs you nothing to dream).
   Well dreams could come in a variety of forms, ranging from that soothing pleasant thought that crosses the mind, regarding the future( the particular time, we are most of the time not sure of), to goals that we usually picture in our heads and try to work towards like getting that college degree or trying to be the perfect man for that girl that you know is worth it.
      It is good to dream, because it clearly shows that you have a bright prospect in life and often times dreamers end up doing the impossible.
    But the major issue today is...  What actually kills those dreams.  A variety of factors help kill dreams but my focus is going to be on two major dream killers.
    One of the major factors that help kill dreams is telling the wrong people about your dreams. Dreaming is like an art and you are the artist...  An artist knows his art and has a very strong connection to it.  In fact sometimes you will find yourself dreaming and coming up with wonderful ideas in very little time, but since this is your work of art to another person it might  be 'building a castle in the air'  or 'wishful thinking'.
      And this is majorly a buzz kill.  But going back to the reference of the artist let me throw more light on the issue.  I had once watched a figure drawing artists start his art with only lines and strokes and for the first few minutes the work of art looked rough and  meaningless but after a while it began to take shape in my eyes and before long the next thing I could see was a 'beautiful Monalisa'.  It did take time to make sense in my eyes, meanwhile the artist had seen the picture from the start.
       This is similar to having dreams, the only difference is that people are less patient in seeing where you are headed.  So if you have that dream, work on it, because you are the only one who can see the beauty for what it really is.
    People often time listen to others pull down the bricks of their carefully laid dreams,  Which should not be so by the way. If they call your dreams a castle in the air then don't allow them pull it down to earth, because whether you like it or not a castle in the air is a wonderful thing to behold and with the right amount of hardwork it becomes a sky scraper with a solid foundation.
     Another major hindrance to your dreams, is linking your present situation to your dreams.  A dream is not a very good one if you cannot dare for more and leave it high up to be admired by others as a legacy. Do not build your foundation on the mud because you feel at the moment that you cannot afford to reach the mountains. Mind you it is not a dream if it isn't better than your reality.
     Do not settle for less because you feel it is unrealistic to dream big(well dreams are not supposed to be painted with present reality that is why they are called dreams)
     So keep in mind that the next time people try to run your dreams down be sure to let them know...  That you built the castle in the air, thus you can climb it with ease.
      Dream big! Work for it,  be patient and be consistent,  have faith and  Never give up. I'm  working for mine...  You should  work for yours too.

Hmm...  If you like this...  Come back for more on Friday!


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