We have found ourselves in a world of rules, and in this canopy of rules lies expectations from family and friends, peer groups and even foes who constantly dish out insults in the form of "beef". This expectations sometimes come to light in the form of that innocent or intentional advice given by a friend or even the bragging rights dished out by our parents once in a while, ranging from that dream job they did want you to have or that career choice they did want you to follow from the start, that guy or girl they did want you to bring home and generally that probably "boring or unacceptable" way, they did want you to live your life.
But when I say boring or unacceptable, the person being considered is you.., yes you! You are the most important formula in the Equation. It is true that most times these expectations put us in a tight corner, making that nice pink dress you just got look ugly just because "Bestie" says it isn't great or getting that dope office job but yet being envious of the run way models because that is where your heart truly lies.
Indeed it is true that most times our lives are completely guided by the opinions of others, thus a lot of people find themselves feeling like that empty shell because they are neither here nor there. And one thing is certain which is the fact that you can't please everyone but if you are to displease some people you might as well be happy. Keep to the original you, some people would leave, true, While others will really dig your stuff and definitely stick around.
Advice does help us improve, but it is rather time you took your happiness from the sacrificial table and enjoy it. Marry that guy because you know him and you love him and would gladly hold his hand to run across the street, not because pressure is on you to get married or because it's what daddy wants. Get that job because it's what you are good at and it makes you happy don't get engaged in a battlefield of work where you have to bring angry files home and end up transferring that aggression to those you care about. If it is something you love, you will definitely excel.
Sometimes the major fear in going against what our parents relatives or other people we look up to want, is the fear that pursuing our own dreams could go wrong. E. G if I leave the job at the bank which my parents want and go into modelling, what if it doesn't work out, there will be no one to turn to because to them I have let the golden opportunity go. But while thinking about that, also think about picture B, what if it works out?
Success has many friends, so definitely following your happiness has a price and if there is a high turnover at the end of your decision, friends and family who had earlier advised you against it would proudly find themselves wanting to take credit for your own decision.
Most times success and happiness is a gamble. And since no one lives forever you could sometimes find yourself playing the selfish card which is highly recommended because majority of times your goal should be striving to become genuinely and absolutely happy no matter how it would look like to others.
So stop wearing that shoe that hurts a lot, or taking the heat in that relationship when you know that the other side of the coin holds better opportunities for you. Even if you are not sure of that yet, it's only because you haven't flipped the other side of the coin.
If the beginning wasn't remarkable, make that ending remarkable,
besides we all look forward to the end of our favourite movies. So ditch that judgmental friend that hates the original you and move on.
And for the haters or foes constantly dishing out "beef" show them that you are an unaffected, successful "vegan".
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