Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Hostel life

    I tossed up and down uncomfortably on my bunk bed as I didn't need a guru to explain to me that sleeping was not going to be possible that night. It all started with my roommate Bola making the fact that he was alive though asleep obvious by snoring loudly and continuously.  I made to close my eyes in one last attempt to sleep but sleep still evaded me like a leper, thus I bit my lower lip in regret as to why I hadn't slept before him as I looked on enviously at four of my other roommates who were soundly asleep. I listened to  Bola; the music producer in the room change gear up to 7 times,  and in collaboration with the heat they almost sent me on a suicide mission. I soon gave a loud sigh of frustration and the DJ took a break.
      But as you know sometimes bad things work hand in hand, thus all I could think of was the country's present problems and midway the female musician and her backup singers came around disturbing my already disturbed thoughts.  And they gave me that horrible melody of theirs from ear to ear but still I had no other option than to applaud but when the applause was beginning to turn into a standing ovation and I was still missing my target, I reached for my insecticide as the mosquitos have obviously over stayed  their welcome.  But after the brief war against bad music, our dear DJ continued from where the ladies had stopped.  I got upset as I remembered that I was neither a watchman or a wizard and there was no other way to explain why I was still up... Thus I decided to wake Bola up and give him a stern warning.  But just as I gave him the first tap, his morning alarm rang and the time clearly displayed was 5:00am. And it just dawned on me that I hadn't slept a wink and it was all his fault but just before I could leave his bedside he woke up,  and cleaning the saliva from the side of his mouth he said "oh Dayo...  It is morning,  thank you for waking me up". And just then a thought came to mind but right before I tell you about it,  let me know what you would have done if you were in my shoes.


  1. Lol.. it's not bola's fault tho... dayo was just unfortunate..

  2. Well maybe Dayo should have slept earlier like she said Buh I would have manage to sleep like that covering my ears......
